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Little Plum Photography Los Angeles Professional Photographer Blog

welcome to my passion, my stories and my life...i have the honor to witness and be a part of the most incredible moments- when a baby is born, a couple become parents before my very eyes, and as families celebrate milestones and special moments. 

Breech Birth of Hunter

Tracy and Tony have a passion for adventure together. He is a triathlete, whose family owns a famous health cookie company and she is a hair stylist and colorist who loves yoga and has the sweetest disposition. When they chose me to be their doula and birth photographer, I was thrilled...and honored. I'm always honored to be chosen to share in such an intimate and life-changing time in a family's life and to be looked to for advice, support and comfort. 

Tracy and Tony hiked Mt. Whitney a few years back together. During one of the prenatal appointments, we were discussing the thoughts she could think of or things she could do that help bring focus, strength and calm to her mind and body for labor and birth. She mentioned the return part of the hike when it got so terrifying that she wasn't sure if they would make it back or not safely and together. At one point they were separated from each other. She said the fact they made that hike return the way they did she felt she could achieve anything. 

At 37 weeks, Tracy and Tony found out that baby was in a frank breech position. She called me and we discussed and she shared with me that her OB said "you should just schedule a c-section". Tracy really truly wanted a vaginal breech and her greatest fear throughout the entire pregnancy was of having to have a c-section. She changed doctors and went under the care of someone who does vaginal breech deliveries. But, the catch was, he was leaving out of the country when she would be 40 weeks and 5 days. She did chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture and moxibustion, spinning babies, sex, inversion, "the salad dressing", lots of walking and yoga to try and turn baby and induce labor. But, the baby decided to come when he was ready and on his own terms. She decided to induce before the doctor went on vacation. Her induction went beautifully, thankfully, and her baby boy, Hunter, was born surrounded by lots of excitement and anticipation from Tony, and myself, (and from the other twelve people in the room)...and with lots of love.

My work becomes so meaningful and is so fullfilling when my clients get the support for the birth they choose to create. Being able to have a choice is everything.